Monday, November 29, 2010


My morning in the cabin it would be quite enough where I can only hear the birds sing in the air. I would see the sunlight shining through my window. When I walk up to my window a can see a beautiful water fall, falling into a shimmering lake filled with fishes jumping up and down with joy. My cabin would be a peaceful place where I can relax and forget all about drama that’s going on in the world and with me. i would have no T.V just a sketch book and colors, my bed has to be a water bed and I my couch makes a U shape and it really comfy.
My day outside my cabin is really relaxing I go to a place where I can see everything. The animals running around, moutons, tress and the cool breeze that passes by every minit. It’s so fresh out here its amazing no trash on the ground no gas in the air just the smell of pine trees and flowers around me. Sitting down on the soft grass I would draw a picture of beautiful things that happens every day.
The base of the mountain its cold but its nice wolfs is everywhere they are so beautiful in their white fur. I would close my eyes and listen to mother earth, I believe that if you stare into an open field with no people around you can hear people sprits even you love ones. Looking down into nature gives me a feeling that one day this can disappear forever because we don’t know how to take care of our earth. And that people can only imagine of a place like this. On top of a mountain I would wait for a aura hear all the sprits that try to keep beautiful places a secret from people and only those that deserve it are only allowed to enter and see an amazing place a peaceful place where u can go and get rid of your anger, sadness, and be drama free. A place where u can feel safe and welcome like you never had been before.
I walked pass a stone in the middle of the mountain it amazing there is two big wolf grading it must be important. It’s tall with huge wings the man looks down on earth like its savior, just like how god looks down on use to protect us. He wasn’t an angel he looked more like an eagle. He has two swords at each side his hand on his forehead looking at the whole valley.